Full Moon

Almost saturny, don't you think?

The moon from my window.

There was a bright spot on the wall. What light is on? I fumbled around the dark bedroom looking for a flashlight or an extra glowy alarm clock with 6s, 8s, or 9s on its face. None to be found. Coming to my senses, I walked to the wall and traced the light to its origin. The window. It was the moon.

The moon’s full tonight, which I like very much in the winter. In this suburbia it takes on the role of a streetlight, offering a better spectrum than the usual dim orangey guys.

Good day today. Productive very early, the kitchen sink is clean, and I finished reading a book. Also added iPhone cases and stationery for a few paintings on my Society6 account. Ken’s adventuring in New Hampshire, while Loki and I are quietly holding the fort relaxing in the living room.

I plan on breaking my too-early-to-bed cycle tonight. I’ve caffeinated myself for a wakeful evening of editing. Let’s see how this goes!

Art Prints on Society6

Calm Energy.

One of two whole prints currently available.

Just ordered some prints of my paintings from Society6 to test their quality. They look like they’ll be lovely; I’m excited to see them in person!

Meeting today to discuss logistics of the art group. I can’t wait to paint with others again!

And, as usual, this post involved too many exclamation marks about future possibilities. 🙂

Well, One Adventure: Southford Falls

Yesterday was the first clear day in a while. As a friend said, it’s like the Dementors have been mating most of the week. To celebrate the good weather, we took Loki to Southford Falls to catch up on some much needed exercise and get us all some fresh air.

A moment's rest, before rambunctiousness ensued.

A moment’s rest before rambunctiousness ensued.

He was as sweet and exuberant as ever, but so much to handle on the trails–loose-leash practice be damned, Loki was not bribed by dried liver nor beef! There were too many new leaves and sticks and grassy fields and piles of mud to investigate. After an hour we three piled in the car, exhausted. A good feeling for us all.

A tired dog is a happy dog, so they say. That goes double for this high energy dude.

At the falls, one tree over the lake was covered in bobbers dangling from fishing line. Christmas ornaments. I wonder how many hopeful catchers of fish saw this, said “not me,” and then joined the dozens who accidentally sacrificed their bobbers to this branchy god.

Bobbers in the branches.

Today’s been less adventurous than yesterday: green tea and omelettes for breakfast, quiet work in the morning, play in the dog park around 10, and back to work at 11. I did hear back from the library board this afternoon: they’re interested in discussing my 2D art group proposal. Hooray! I might even get to attend the next board meeting. How sweet would it be to get this off the ground?